Declaration of Spiritual Principles
Fifth Element Free Church is a congregation of men, women, and children who believe in God, the Creator, the Universe, etc. We recognize that there are infinite interpretations of this divine and supernatural power, and that God is too big, too powerful, and too complex for any human being to fully comprehend. As such, in the eyes of this Church, all iterations of God are true, valid, and welcome.
We are unified in our belief that the God of our respective understanding has created the Earth realm in which we reside to be a paradise for humankind. However, humankind has been diverted far from God’s divine plan. Our realm has been infiltrated by evil entities, whose influences pull us further and further from God every day. We believe that God’s true nature is being intentionally hidden from us. This evil has permeated every single facet of our lives here on Earth: medicine, education, government, food supply, entertainment, and organized religion, to name but a few. Never has this infiltration been more apparent to us than it is now. We see it for what it is, and we do not consent to its authority. We reject it in its entirety, and declare that God is supreme.
We Members of Fifth Element Free Church seek to return home to the God of our respective understanding - to the inherent balance of God’s divine creation, and to the individual and collective sovereignty that is our birthright. This means that we must cease to give any energy whatsoever to infiltrated entities, so as not to feed and contribute to the growth of the evil that is already all around us. This means, in turn, that we cannot fund, seek permissions, or entangle ourselves with any person or entity that denies our God-given sovereignty. God has placed this knowledge in the hearts of each and every Member of Fifth Element Free Church. His will be done.
We believe that a healthy body is the best way to foster a connection to God; we therefore deny the legitimacy of any person or entity that purports to limit our sovereignty of body. To this end, we seek only to consume pure, unadulterated food and water. We reject as ungodly all evil attempts to poison, alter, and regulate our food supply. We also believe that God created the body to heal itself, using healthy food as a first line of defense. As such, we reject much of western medical advice, seeking instead to support the body in its natural ability to return itself to homeostasis. True freedom can only exist in a society where every man, woman, and child is the ultimate authority over the temple that houses their soul. In all matters, on behalf of ourselves and our children, we declare a divine right to retain bodily autonomy. That is God’s will for us, and we will not defy it.
We believe that an open and malleable mind is the best way to foster a connection to God; we therefore reject as evil all attempts to prevent our Members from exercising their freedom of speech, thought, and expression. To this end, we seek to educate our congregation without unwelcome influence or interference. We do not subscribe to any “one size fits all” education model, and we firmly believe that evil forces try to keep our minds small, and caged, from a young age. Small minds do not notice their chains; they labor for and feed the very evil that enslaves them. We reject this evil. We deny its authority. We do not consent to its presence, nor its alleged dominion over our lives. We do not believe in misinformation. We do not believe in one, objective truth. God gives us all the divine right to obtain, process, and subscribe to information however we see fit. In all matters, on behalf of ourselves and our children, we retain sovereignty of mind. That is God’s will for us, and we will not defy it.
We believe that a contented heart is the best way to foster a connection to God; we therefore deny the authority of any person or entity that takes any measures aimed at limiting, curtailing, or putting conditions upon our ability to seek happiness and fulfillment. To this end, we seek to promote the use of all jobs, services, and modalities, traditional or not, that boost our emotional and spiritual bodies. We believe that God created us in his image, meaning that each and every one of us has the power of God within. Cultivating this personal power is the only sure way to live a Godly life, and we therefore reject as evil any person or entity that purports to limit our ability to do so. We labor in service of God, and God alone. Any task, no matter how big or small, that is done with a joyful heart, is done in service of the God of our respective understanding. We believe that the pursuit of personal happiness is the birthright of all souls who choose to take a human form, and we demand the ability to pursue that happiness without interference from any evil, infiltrated people or entities. In all matters, on behalf of ourselves and our children, we retain complete dominion over our daily affairs. That is God’s will for us, and we will not defy it.
And so, in communion with God and each other, we lift up these words in prayer and solemnly declare that:
We, the Members of Fifth Element Free Church, refuse permission for any living person, entity, or non-physical being to enter our bodies, minds, souls, spirits, or energy fields for intentions that are other than love.
We break all contracts, vows, and agreements we might have made, knowingly or unknowingly, in all time, space, and dimension, that in any way diminish the fullest expression of our joyful soul essences.
We break these agreements from this moment backwards, through every experience of the past, and from this moment forward, until the end of all time.
We command that these evil energies, entities, and people leave our space now. They have no power over us. We deny their authority and do not consent to their presence.
We ask the God of our respective understanding for divine protection from these evil energies, entities, and people, that they shall never return to our energy fields in any way, for any reason.
We build a shield of divine light around ourselves, our fellow Members, and around this Church, with this heart intention and our eternal free will.
And so it is, was, and always will be.